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Information Technology Professional - Madison New Jersey

Company: U.S. Navy
Location: Madison, New Jersey
Posted On: 03/12/2025

To be eligible to enlist in the U.S. Navy, candidates must be between the ages of 18-34At any given moment, hundreds of complex networked computer systems are operating in tandem to keep ships and submarines operating at their best. The specialized training youll receive in this field will pave the way to careers in IT and network support, computer programming, web development and information security.
When a network goes down, vital information may be lost, from global satellite data to special intelligence communications. Thats why its critical that trained Information Systems Technicians are on board to make sure networks and related systems are designed and operated properly and errors are fixed without any interruption to the mission.CRYPTOLOGIC TECHNICIAN NETWORKS
As a Cryptologic Technician Networks, you fight in the battlespace of the future. Use state-of- the-art technology to perform offensive and defensive cyber operations, investigating and tracking enemies while also protecting our networks from attacks. As an expert in communication defense and forensics, youll be expected to rise to the ever-evolving challenge of maintaining cybersecurity.INTELLIGENCE SPECIALIST
Collect intel on everythingdata on foreign cultures, enemy movements, current weather forecasts, etc. Then, use it to create cohesive intelligence briefings for high-ranking Navy officials. Your deep understanding of global culture and battlespaces makes you a critical component of mission readiness. Solid intel isnt easy to come by, but as an IS, you can save lives by helping us stay ready for anything.PAY AND BENEFITSFrom the day you start, youll receive:
Competitive salary
Potential to earn a bonus upon enlistment
Free health insurance
Free housing
A retirement plan
Paid training
College creditEDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES Navy College Program and Tuition Assistance
Post-9/11 GI Bill, up to 100% tuition
Professional credentials and certifications
College credit hours toward a bachelors or associate degree through the American Council on Education

U.S. citizen or equivalent
High school graduate or equivalent
17 years of age or olderGeneral qualifications may vary depending upon whether youre currently serving, whether youve served before or whether youve never served before.WORK ENVIRONMENTThese roles perform a variety of duties worldwide, at numerous overseas and stateside shore commands, aboard surface ships, aircraft and submarines. They generally divide time between assignments ashore and afloat.PART-TIME OPPORTUNITIESServing part-time as a Navy Reserve Sailor, your duties will be carried out during your scheduled drilling and training periods. During monthly drilling, Sailors in the Navy Reserve typically work at a location close to their homes.Take a moment to learn more about the general roles and responsibilities of Navy Reserve Sailors.

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